In America, the screen time for children under 8 has rose significantly. Children are now using alternatives to TV such as iPad's, iPod's, Playbooks and other types of tablets to get their fix. Some can hardly speak, but they know how to unlock a smartphone and how to use the interface.
A study conducted by a non-profit San-Francisco group known as the Common Sense Media, showed the statistics of screen time from birth for youth. The study showed the half of the children under 8 had access to a smartphone, a video iPod, or an iPad and other types of tablets. However Television still remains the main source for screen time as the study showed that close to half of children under 2 watch DVD's or TV on a typical day for around 2 hours. Out of all the children under 2, the screen time is 53 minutes which is more than double the amount of time devoted to reading to children, at 23 minutes per day.
My Opinion
Clearly there is an important issue with screen time for youth in the United States that parents need to be aware of. Children are spending way too much time watching TV and playing apps when they could be learning something educational at an important time in their life when their minds are like a sponges. Yes, I understand there are some applications available that are educational, but children shouldn't be playing with tablets and other mobile devices when they are so young. They need to use this time of their life to absorb as much valuable information as they can to set themselves ahead of the others that are becoming couch potatoes. This will greatly help them in the future as they will not have as great of influence to watch TV, and will be more inclined to finish their homework and then watch TV to reward themselves. Ultimately, if you do well in school, then you will have a high chance of getting a great job which will help you support your own family and set yourself to become wealthy in the future.
It's amazing how much time children spend in front of electronics at this young age, when everything they do has a lasting impression on the rest of their life. The blame could be put on the parents for carelessly allowing their children to grow up in this environment. However, the early introduction of this technology will help them when they are older.