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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Vancouver Passenger Plane Crashes Beside Runway

Yesterday afternoon, at around 4:10 pm, a Vancouver charter plane crashed on the main road beside the Vancouver International Airport in Richmond B.C. The 7-passengers and 2 pilots were immediately rushed to the hospital once medical crews arrived about 4 minutes after the crash. If not for the heroics of the some of the bystanders who witnessed the crash and started pulling people out before the medical crews arrived, some lives may have been lost. 

Sadly, the RCMP have confirmed that Luc Fortin, 44, from North Vancouver has died in the hospital. "Despite all possible medical efforts, he was pronounced dead at Vancouver General Hospital about five hours later, at 9:10 p.m.," said a statement released by the B.C. Coroners office on Friday morning. All of the seven passengers in the plane were taken to the hospital and the two crew members, and two people who sustained injuries  in a car stuck by the plane. Two people remain in critical  condition, two others were discharged overnight, and four were in stable condition. There was still no word about the two people who were in the car, or on the condition of a pedestrian who was taken to the hospital after reportedly being struck by debris from the destroyed plane. 

The Beechcraft King Air 100 was only about fifteen minutes into it's flight when it started developing a problem. So the pilot corresponded with flight control and requested an emergency landing and they were given clearance for runway 26. On it's approach the aircraft banked hard to the left and crashed 900 meters short of the runway. Landing on Richmond's Russ Baker Way and hitting a lamp post and a car. 

This was a very unusual crash, and the cause it still left unexplained. In recordings of the conversation of the pilot and the air traffic controllers, everything seems calm and typical. He also even turned down the request for emergency services to be on scene. The cockpit voice recorder was immediately recovered and sent to Ottawa for analysis. The pilot had reported that an oil indicator light came on. However that didn't seem like a big deal, it ended up being very tragic. Lovelace, a veteran pilot spoke out about the situation and said that something catastrophic must have happened in the last thirty seconds of flight, because the pilot was very, very close to making a landing. Everyone wants to know what happened because it just doesn't make sense. 

My Thoughts

I think the heroics of the bystanders that all witnessed and helped out after the crash should be recognized by the city of Vancouver. If not for them, more lives may not have been saved on that tragic day. They were truly the first responders, because emergency crews didn't arrive for about 4 minutes later. Jet fuel burns so hot that is hard to even be withing 20 meters of it, and these people went right up to the raging fire and black smoke and started pulling people out of the wreckage. I am also very interested to find out the cause of this accident because it seemed as though it was just a normal incident that happens all of the time in air transportation, and it didn't have an effect until 30 seconds before landing. Even experts cant think of a possible reason for the crash of flight 204 on Thursday afternoon. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Screen Time for Children Is Higher Than Ever


In America, the screen time for children under 8 has rose significantly. Children are now using alternatives to TV such as iPad's, iPod's, Playbooks and other types of tablets to get their fix. Some can hardly speak, but they know how to unlock a smartphone and how to use the interface.

A study conducted by a non-profit San-Francisco group known as the Common Sense Media, showed the statistics of screen time from birth for youth. The study showed the half of the children under 8 had access to a smartphone, a video iPod, or an iPad and other types of tablets. However Television still remains the main source for screen time as the study showed that close to half of children under 2 watch DVD's or TV on a typical day for around 2 hours. Out of all the children under 2, the screen time is 53 minutes which is more than double the amount of time devoted to reading to children, at 23 minutes per day.

My Opinion

Clearly there is an important issue with screen time for youth in the United States that parents need to be aware of. Children are spending way too much time watching TV and playing apps when they could be learning something educational at an important time in their life when their minds are like a sponges. Yes, I understand there are some applications available that are educational, but children shouldn't be playing with tablets and other mobile devices when they are so young. They need to use this time of their life to absorb as much valuable information as they can to set themselves ahead of the others that are becoming couch potatoes. This will greatly help them in the future as they will not have as great of influence to watch TV, and will be more inclined to finish their homework and then watch TV to reward themselves. Ultimately, if you do well in school, then you will have a high chance of getting a great job which will help you support your own family and set yourself to become wealthy in the future.

The Artificial Intelligence Pioneer John McCarthy Has Died


John McCarthy was a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence who believed that computers could be used to stimulate aspects of human intelligence. He was a professor emeritus at Stanford University, and also taught at Princeton, MIT, and Dartmouth in his career.

Stanford University announced that he passed in his home in Palo Alto on Monday morning. He is a Boston native who, at the age of 84, died a very decorated and respected man. He coined the term "Artificial Intelligence" in a 1955 research paper. He invented Lisp, which is a programming language which paved the way for voice recognition technology innovations such as the new personal assistant on the new iPhone known as Siri.

McCarthy was and inspiration to many scientists and researches and his legacy will always have a mark in the history of the field.

My Opinion

I thought this was a very interesting article. I have studied about artificial intelligence in the past and it is a very cool topic. Although I never knew anything about how the field was created and who the pioneers of the science were. As soon as i saw this title on CBC.ca I was immediately drawn to it and had to give it a read. Most people would be surprised at how much research and time gets put into creating artificial intelligence, and how many issues occur with the programming. It is a field that requires great intelligence to be successful in, and pioneers of the science should always be honored and commemorated.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Atlanta and the Zombie Apocalypse

The Southern America city known as Atlanta has been nicknamed "The Zombie Capital Of The World." Numerous horror shows like "The Walking Dead" are filmed here. The Horror business is really big here. Five star movies have been made here such as "Halloween II" and "Zombieland," which help pump millions of dollars into the local economy. 

Atlanta is also home to some of the world's largest zombie film festivals, zombie haunted houses, and zombie parades. There were 6000 people that applied to be zombie extras on "The Walking Dead," and only 200 are chosen each season. It is a difficult job because the pay is meager, the weather is hot, the hours are long, are your friends can barely recognize you in the background will all of the fake blood and spray on corpse-paint. "You have to be the sort of kid that grew up practicing your zombie walk in the mirror," said Kevin Galbraith, a lanky, 115 pound, 24-year-old from Georgia State University. "I feel more alive than ever when I'm dead," said the lucky college student who has beat the odds and has been cast both seasons of the shows existence. 

So why is Atlanta the mecca for zombies?

There are many theories as to why Atlanta is so the most popular place for zombie-associated things. The main reason why is because it is where the birth of the hit TV show "The Walking Dead" occurred. The reason producers decided to film this show here is because a large southern city was desired, and Atlanta is where DragonCon is held. A fantasy and science fiction expo which is one of the worlds largest gathering of zombies. Also this sprawling city has countless abandoned or foreclosed properties which make it easy to look spooky. 

The government also plays a big role in the scene too. In 2005, the bureaucrats provided Georgia with some of the nations most advantageous tax incentives for filmmakers. Since then, the money spent on film-making on everything from music videos, to television commercials and so on, has skyrocketed from $132 million to $759 million. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Political Debate 2011: Healthcare

Last Tuesday on the 27th of September, representatives from the Liberals, NDP, and the P.C. party all  gathered for an election debate. Representing the P.C. party was Tim Hudak, representing the Liberals  was Dalton McGinty and representing the NDP was Andrea Horwath. They were addressed with ten  questions that were sent in by the Public, and were asked to discuss the topic. They received 2000  videos that were sent in. Mr. " " was the moderator for this debate.

When the politicians received the question about public healthcare, their was lots of mixed emotions in  the room.  McGuinty and Horwarth were the two who started off the 1 on 1, and then Hudak was added a couple minutes later. It was a difficult debate, all three politicians were very aggressive and expressed their true feelings about healthcare.

Bringing back the healthcare and changing priorities is what Andrea Horwath has in plan if she is elected into the premier position. She also promised to cap plans for CEOs in hospitals and improve home healthcare. She also believes we need to work on keeping public emergency rooms open and need to cut wait times.

McGuinty, in defense of his position, expressed that our province has the shortest waiting times in the country for major hip and knee surgeries and so on. He thinks the Prime Minister and the Premier of Ontario need to sit down and hammer out a new healthcare plan, he also noted that there is lots of room for exciting innovation in public healthcare.

Mr. Hudak made a bold statement, saying that he would invest 6.1 billion dollars into healthcare, as well as homecare. His was trying to gain support from patients in hospitals that he has great recognition for.

My Opinion

Overall, I thought it was a great question with lots of intuitive answers. However I think Mr. McGuinty won this debate because his answers were well presented and he was clear about the audience he was speaking to. The other two were just throwing out answers and really didn’t have anything to back up their thoughts, they both just kept saying "the people I'm talking to," which has no specific regard to any individuals. In an election debate nobody wants to hear the ear candy that these politicians ramble on about. They need to be able to produce facts to backup their platform and reinsure the public that they are a good selection for premier. Sure Mr. McGuinty was mumbling a bit, but that's because he was thinking deeply about his responses and always had something to support or defend his argument.